Ball closure ring with prong set clear gem and crystal flower
This is a special ball closure ring. Most ball closure rings do not have a pendant, especially not one with such strong sparkles. This because of the crystal that is used as a ball. This crystal has been left open at the backside allowing it to create a strong glimmer. The crystal flower only emphasizes that effect. This because of the pendant. Since the pendant is free to move the light can reflect on the pendant from changing angles.
Placing and removing the ball can be difficult due to the pendant. Both sides of the crystal have a small dimple where the ring can be placed.
With a thickness of 16 GA / 1.2 mm and a length of 10 mm this ring can be used on many places. Wearing it in the tragus is not a problem. Also, the helix might prove a good spot as that empowers the pendant.
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